Since the day the company has been founded, OPET Petrolcülük A.Ş. has set itself the goal of internal and foreign customer satisfaction, and is carrying on its activities with an understanding of quality at Marmara, Mersin, Giresun, Körfez and Körfez B terminals along with the General Directorate based on the "Quality Systems" approach which has been adopted in 2004.
Having been selected as the sector leader for 12 years since 2006 in Customer Satisfaction researches (Turkey Customers' Voice and Turkey Customer Satisfaction Index) that was carried out by KALDER is our biggest pride in our journey of quality.
OPET has taken the first step towards quality with its efforts for founding the ISO 9001 Quality Management System which it has started in 2004.
- ISO 9001 Quality Management System
- ISO 14001 Environmental Management System
- ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System
- ISO 14064-1 Certificate Regarding Accuracy of Greenhouse Gas Emission Calculations
- ISO 10002 Customer Satisfaction Management System
- ISO 20000 Information Technologies Service Management System
- ISO 27001 Information Safety Management System
- ISO 17025 Accreditation Certificate on General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories
Our Management System Policy undertakes to:
Produce products that satisfy the needs and expectations of our customers in an environmental-friendly approach and non-hazardous manner in line with the vision and mission of our company,
Measure if customer requirements are met in all areas in which we operate, evaluate the changing expectations and the feedbacks from customers in accordance with legal requirements in a fair, objective and unbiased manner, without demanding any fees and handle customer complaints in an effective and efficient manner and achieve full customer satisfaction,
Manage all of our resources towards meeting the expectations of our shareholders and management systems including staff training in an effective manner,
Achieving our goals by persistently improving our management systems,
Apply active human resources practices for improving the team spirit and having a competent human resource, and to give training support accordingly,
Achieve growth in the target markets on the basis of Total Quality Philosophy,
Abide by the laws and regulations and other requirements on Environment, Occupational Health and Safety,
Prevent environmental pollution, and minimize the waste by exercising the life cycle approach,
Execute and continually improve the requirements of existing Customer Satisfaction, Quality, Environmental Management Systems,
Occupational Health and Safety Management System in accordance with the relevant standards on process approach and leadership mentality,
Provide protection from injuries and occupational diseases by identifying the risks and opportunities and minimizing potential losses through risk-based thinking approach,
Contribute to the national economy with loyalty to OPET values and respect for the environment and the society.
Information Technologies Service Management System and Information Safety Management System Policy
Information Safety Management System Policy
Information is a very valuable and a critically corporate value which must be protected against various risks towards its confidentiality, integrity and accessibility. Because of this reason, as OPET; we hereby undertake to give guarantee that the information security management system is properly managed while maintaining the confidentiality, integrity and accessibility of information, to establish, implement, maintain and continuously enhance information safety management system within this context, to ensure accessibility of resources necessary for the information technology management system, to make use of, process and continuously enhance risks and opportunities regarding business processes, that we will comply with the laws regarding information security, obligations based on service contracts, relevant standards and regulations, policies, procedures and instructions created in accordance with management systems, to notify the users regarding their obligations regarding information safety by forming an information safety awareness on the employees, suppliers and business partners, to maintain information safety to provide business continuity, to manage information safety violation events, to ensure that they are not repeated and turn them into learning opportunities.

Information Technologies Service Management System
OPET Petrolcülük A.Ş. undertakes to effectively manage the Information Technologies Services to meet the requirements and expectations of Business Units in the area of Information Technologies within universal standards. In order to achieve our goal in that direction, we, as OPET, undertake to create a Service Management System in accordance with ISO 20000-1 standards for the efficient management of Information Technologies Services; to arrange the requirements of Business Units about Information Technologies Services in accordance with the Company Strategy; to take the legal and regulative liabilities into consideration during the specification of the requirements of Information technologies Services; to continually assess the risks that may arise throughout our activities and minimize the risks by taking preventive measures; to provide necessary resources for the efficient installation and execution of the Information technologies Service Management System; to keep track of and supervise the prospective goals which we have set to enable continuous improvement of the Information Technologies Service Management System; to provide trainings for our employees and organize relevant operations by evaluating their recommendations.